Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Marx Madness ?

OK you remember we mentioned that MARX Custer set that was on EBAY for that obscene price. Well it seems the seller (MARXTOYMUSEUM) now selling a set on a piece by piece basis on EBAY. What little I know of this seller comes from a few friends and an issue of Playset Mag. IMHO most do not like the "owner" at all. Real or imagined he has one heck of a reputation in the MARX hobby. If it is true didnt Louis Marx Jr do his homework ? I am also confused that he is selling items yet he enjoys a non-profit status again thanks to Louis Marx JR we are told, and he sells/offers different degrees of Museum Memberships on an annual basis. And did we mention that he also operates a web site called the Marx Connection where, you guessed it, he also sells Marx items. Are these excess property of the Museum ? Part of his personal collection ? oh well. Nice job if ya can get it. More to come no doubt.

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